How companies pay for employee benefits.

Your ultimate guide to innovative funding options for benefits to save you money, and improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Did you know that most US companies are shelling out more money than necessary on health insurance? It's true, and it's largely because they're not using the best strategy for benefits payments.

Sure, you may have heard of self-funding, but did you know there are other options that could be a better fit for your business? The trouble is, navigating the complicated world of insurance can be overwhelming, especially when all the jargon is thrown in.

That's why we've put together the ultimate guide to benefits funding strategy. Answering questions like:

  1. Is my company paying too much for benefits?
  2. How does my company pay for employee's claims?
  3. How can I reduce the cost of benefits to employees?
On-demand Webinar

Beyond traditional funding: innovative approaches to employee benefits.

Join experts Bryan Davis and Colleen Locke with Nava and Todd Bisping with Caterpillar Inc. to unpack the foundation of how employee benefits are funded.

Funding type masterclass

Join our experts for a 20 minute deeper dive on each funding option.

Fully insured
Gap funding
Level funding
Captive funding
Self insurance
Reference-based pricing
Don't have time for video?
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Your funding flowchart

Absorbed all the details, but want a hand in your decision process? Take a peek at our funding flowchart and see what might be right for you.

Read blog
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